Monday, August 26, 2019

Julian Baslyk - An Exuberant Anomaly (2015)

An Exuberant Anomaly

Through here is another anomaly
By the clouds and the oceans
Manifested emotions are abundant
And the shapes of the expansions are growing
By the mountains and the deep
The currents and the waves
The sways of our moon
And the reflected lights throughout
By the times that have been spent
As the tracks that have been followed
The paintings have been rendered
And the judge to call upon
The artists to hesitate from the pales
How the world is reflected
How the universe is worn
How the galaxies sway
And by what do we owe?
We are only so small
We fight and tackle
We create by our experiences
We confuse and juggle
But we live from our work
We spend by our hours
Drink by our honors
And we toast to our successes
Atlas the artist to start again
Only through times can he render
And art speaks through his fingers
Art shows what is imagined
And movements are captured by a speck
Images convey feelings by marks
And what is captured is pondered upon
What is seen is written down
Through the hands and the spirals
By the essence and the living

Painting and poem by Julian Baslyk

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